From Principal's Desk:

Spurred by our Master's call to “Love God above all and love your neighbour as yourself,” we, the Society of Jesus Mary Joseph, prepare the youth who join our institution to pursue various nursing courses, marching “TOWARDS UNIVERSAL FRATERNITY.” Striving for academic excellence and quality service, our team renders service tirelessly as one body. Walking alongside the sick, suffering, and needy, we actively address healthcare needs in hospitals, communities, and homes without discrimination. Through this, we mould young minds to become active and compassionate participants in the healthcare system.

Inspired by the spirit of “Ever Adaptable Apostolic Availability” in our mission, we prepare students to embrace the motto of “LOVE, CARE, SHARE,” striving to achieve the ultimate goal of holistic healthcare for the sick and suffering. Recognising the degeneration of human values, the erosion of humanity, and the disconnection between body and mind amidst technological advancement, we emphasise not only the university-prescribed syllabus but also behavioural transformation, instilling moral, ethical, and spiritual values in our students, equipping them to achieve optimum health for a productive and successful life. We collaborate with our highly qualified, motivated, efficient, and committed faculty—who serve as the strong pillars of our institution—to actualise its vision and mission. Over the years, St. Philomena’s School and College of Nursing have produced thousands of quality nurses who continue to live the legacy of Florence Nightingale, serving society across the globe.

Sr Joyamma Joseph (JMJ)